Section 1 – Books/Pamphlets on Air mails. Aitchison, Jon. Stamps and Postal History of Lundy Island. Sixth Edition. 2019 Titehall Publishing. 8vo. 436pp. Superb catalogue with massively detailed sections on air stamps and cancels. Baldwin, N. C. British Air Mails 1784-1946, Francis J Field Ltd 1947. 8vo. 213pp. List and price valuation. Baldwin, N. C. British Air Mails 1946-1951, Francis J Field Ltd 1952. Supplement to British Air Mails 1784.- 1946. Baldwin, N. C. Fifty years of British Air Mails 1911 – 1960, 1961, 8vo, 47pp. Includes external air mails. Baldwin, N. C. Great Britain and Ireland, Catalogue of Internal Air Mails 1910 -1941, 1941, 8vo, 32pp. Small but concise guide from the experts. Baldwin, N.C. Railway Air Service, British Inland Air Posts. 8vo. 16pp. Short from Aerofield. Baldwin, N. C. Twelve Years of Scottish Air Mails. Undated, Scottish Air Mails 1934 - 1946. 12pp. Reprinted from Aerofield. Price list at rear. Beith, Richard. Scottish Air Mails 1919 – 1979, 1981, 8vo, 84pp. A good regional guide. Beith, Richard. Yorkshire Air Mails, 1983, large 8vo, 44pp. A guide to Yorkshire mails from the very first airshow in 1909. Covers areas not covered by other reference works. Interesting. Field, Francis. British Inland Air Posts 1934. The first Official Air Mail Flights. August 20th and August 21st. 12mo, 8pp. RAS first 2 days plus price list. Field, Francis. British “Inlands”. Some Striking Facts. 12mo, 4pp, A few facts on RAS plus price list. Lister, Peter. Airway letters of the United Kingdom, 1994, 4to, 52pp. An important piece of original research covering a subject not previously covered. Phillips, A. The British Inland Airmail April 1933- April 1935. From Dawn to the Awakening. 1935, 8vo, 16pp. The first eleven airmail services described. A marketing book to increase sales but the first to describe early airmails. Redgrove, H. The Air Mails of the British Isles. 1940. 8vo, 150pp. The main reference book for mails of the 1930’s, but now in need of updating. Section 2 – General Aviation of the 1930’s Allward, Maurice and Taylor, John. The De Havilland Aircraft Company, 1999, 8vo, 128pp. A mainly pictorial history of the De Havilland Aircraft company with a small commentary. Balfour, Christopher. Spithead Express. The Pre-War Island Air Ferry and Post War plans. 1999, 4to, 96pp. The story of the Portsmouth, Southsea and Isle of Wight Aviation Co, written by the founder’s son from correspondence left in boxes on his death. Fascinating insight to the problems of early aviation. Chant, Chris. Early Airliners. 1980. 4to. 64pp. Good aircraft descriptions but too many foreign aircraft for my liking. Clegg, Peter V. A Flying start to the Day, 1986, 4to, 60pp. The History of Highland Airways and Captain E.E. Fresson. Very little here that is not in Fresson’s autobiography or ‘Rivals in the North’. Clegg, Peter V. Flying against the Elements, 1987, 4to, 95pp. The story of Aberdeen/Allied Airways founded by Eric Gandar Dower. As in ‘Flying Start to the Day’, very little that is not in Rivals in the North. Clegg, Peter V. Rivals in the North, 1988, 4to, 224pp. The story of the competition between Highland Airways in Inverness and its founder Ted Fresson and Aberdeen/Allied Airways in Aberdeen and its founder Eric Gandar-Dower. Clegg, Peter V. Sword in the Sky, 1990, 4to, 128pp. Continuing Clegg’s histories of Scottish pioneering airlines of the 30’s this is the story of John Sword and his Midland and Scottish Air ferries based out of Renfrew (Glasgow) Airport. Clegg, Peter V. Wings over the Glens, 1995, 4to, 192pp. The last of Clegg’s five books on pioneering Scottish airlines of the 1930’s. This is the story of George Nicholson who founded Northern Airways, later to become Northern and Scottish Airways and later Scottish Airways. Doyle, Neville. Sea-Eagle to Flamingo – Channel Island Airlines 1923 - 1939, 1984, 8vo, 464pp. Well written and well researched. Doyle, Neville. Triple Alliance, 128pp, 4to. The story of the 3 airlines that comprised Allied British Airways in the 1930’s. Story of United Airways, Spartan Airlines and Hillman Airways and of course the first British Airways. Davies, R.E.G. British Airways – An Airline and its Aircraft, Volume 1: 1919 – 1939, 2005, 8vo, 108pp. The development of aviation and airlines that eventually became British Airways. Short precis of the important small airlines and much information on aircraft. Much needed book on 1930’s aviation which is mainly ignored. Fresson, Ted. Air Road to the Isles. Second (Expanded) Edition 2008. 8vo. 424pp. Wonderful autobiography with superb detail of Highland Airways and Scottish Airways. Some brilliant descriptions of early flying in atrocious weather with no radio or navigational aids. Friends of Swindon Railway Museum, The Great Western Railway Air Services, 8vo, 8pp. A small pamphlet with some interesting information. Gillies, JD and Wood, JL. Aviation in Scotland. 1966. 8vo 115pp. Includes information about the 30’s. Not anything you can’t find elsewhere. Harris, Roger E. Pioneer Aviation in the Channel Islands. 2 Vols. Vol 1 The Dawn to 1933. Vol 2 1934- 1947 2020. 4to. 242pp, 286pp. Well researched and well written. Huge number of illustrations. Very different aproach to the normal aviation book and effectively an illustrated history. Good airmail sections. Hutchison, Iain. The Flight of the Starling. 1992, 8vo, 168pp. The biography of Eric Starling, chief pilot to Aberdeen/Allied airways and later BEA pilot. Much early 30’s information on Gandar-Dower and Allied Airways. Hutchison, Iain. Air Ambulance – Six Decades of the Scottish Air Ambulance Services, 1996, 8vo, 191pp. As well as the air ambulance this deals with much more, including interesting facts about airfield and aircraft and their pilots. Kniverton, Gordon N. Manx Aviation in War and Peace, 1985, 4to, 104pp. A history of Aviation commercial and military on the Isle of Man from 1911 to 1980. Ludovici, L. J. The Challenging Sky – The Life of Sir Alliot Verdan-Roe, 1956, 8vo, 158pp. A biography of aircraft designer and manufacturer of the Avro’s - A.V.Roe Newberry, Peter. The Vectis Connection. 2000, 4to, 144pp. One of three books on Isle of Wight Aviation, whilst ‘Wings over the Island’ concentrates on Aircraft manufacture, and the Spithead Express is purely about PSIOWA, this takes a broader look at the 4 airline companies that flew in the 1930’s to the Isle of Wight. Olley, Captain Gordon P. A Million Miles in the AIr. 1934. 8vo, 320pp. Early autobiography of pilot of first GWR flight and later founder of Olley Flying Services who took over Blackpool and West Coast services. Not chronological so difficult to pick out the 30’s but great read. Also tends to tell stories without dates. Penrose, Harald. British Aviation – Widening Horizons 1930 - 1934, 1979. Large 8vo, 338pp. Aviation seen in a wider context. Penrose, Harald. British Aviation – Ominous Skies 1935-1939, 1990, 8vo, 318pp. 5th in the series of aviation histories. Philpot, Anthony K. Maylands Aerodrome 1928 – 1940, 2003, 8vo, 60pp. As much a history of Edward Hillman as of Maylands airport, but interesting. Smith, Graham. Essex and its Race for the Skies 1900-1939. 2007, 8vo, 224pp. A well-written and researched account of Essex Airfields and Airlines. Well balanced between military and commercial. Stroud, John. Railway Air Services, 1987, 8vo, 144pp. A history of the RAS from GWR until 1947. Stroud, John. Annals of British and Commonwealth Air Transport. 1962. 8vo. 624pp. Not just Great Britain but a huge book and a wealth of information. The timeline format makes it very easy to follow and provided a good checklist for my own timeline. Warner, Guy. Orkney by Air, 2005, 8vo, 108pp. A pictorial record of flights to the Orkneys with much 30’s material of the first airlines. Williams, David L. Wings over the Island, The Aviation heritage of the Isle of Wight, 1999, 4to, 118pp. A history of the Isle of Wights place in aviation history, a good all round book whose primary focus is Aircraft Manufacture in the Isle of Wight. Wickstead, Maurice J. Airlines of the British Isles since 1919. Air Britain. CD. By a long way the best description of British Airlines. Section 3 – Websites ABE. Most of the books in the bibliography are out of print. This secondhand book site is the best place to find them. Aeroflight. Much aero information and huge database bibliograhy of over 14.000 books on aviation. Air and Space. An American site with masses of information on air and space. Air Britain. The worlds leading publishing organisation for Aviation enthusiasts. Airfields of Britain Conservation Trust. Another fine airfield site with a very full list of historical sites. Airline Timetable Images. A wonderful collection of historical airline timetables. There is no better way to find out where an airline flew than to consult a timetable. Airmail Collector. . Dealers site in Auction format selling his own material. There is a GB internal section, but it seldom has much of interest in the 30’s and when it does it’s quite pricy. British Air Mail Society. The place for airmail enthusiasts. Members have contributed much help to this site. Brooklands Museum, Weybridge. Has a Concorde to visit plus much more. Also one for motor racing enthusiasts. De Havilland Museum. The main plane for 1930’s commercial aviation was a De Havilland. If you live nearby this is a great museum. Fresson Trust. An aviation charity set up in 1991 with the objective of furthering the knowledge of aviation past, present and future, for the benefit of people living in, or visiting the Highlands and Island of Scotland, by all means, and in memory of Captain Ernest Edmund Fresson, OBE (1891-1963). International Federation of Aero- and Astrophilatelic Societies. Kea Publishing. Leading publisher on Scottish Aviation. Royal Aeronautical Society A site for aviation professionals. Royal Airforce Museum, Cosford. A wonderful museum for military aviation. The Worlds Airline History, Past Present and Future. Rather too many gaps for my liking but still useful. U.K Airfields and Airports. In depth historical and up to date information about airfields. Wright brothers Aeroplane co. A virtual museum of pioneer aviation. Fascinating American site concentrating on the history of flight.
Copyright © 2022 Robert Farquharson All Rights Reserved
The bibliography is split into 3 sections: - Section 1 – Bibliography of publications with significant information about the air mails of the 1930’s. Section 2 – General aviation books with significant information about the 1930’s Section 3 – Websites. The web has become an invaluable resource about virtually everything. This lists some of the websites used by myself and of much interest for those interested in aviation.
British Internal Airmails of the 1930’s
Section 1 – Books/Pamphlets on Air mails. Aitchison, Jon. Stamps and Postal History of Lundy Island. Sixth Edition. 2019 Titehall Publishing. 8vo. 436pp. Superb catalogue with massively detailed sections on air stamps and cancels. Baldwin, N. C. British Air Mails 1784-1946, Francis J Field Ltd 1947. 8vo. 213pp. List and price valuation. Baldwin, N. C. British Air Mails 1946-1951, Francis J Field Ltd 1952. Supplement to British Air Mails 1784.- 1946. Baldwin, N. C. Fifty years of British Air Mails 1911 – 1960, 1961, 8vo, 47pp. Includes external air mails. Baldwin, N. C. Great Britain and Ireland, Catalogue of Internal Air Mails 1910 -1941, 1941, 8vo, 32pp. Small but concise guide from the experts. Baldwin, N.C. Railway Air Service, British Inland Air Posts. 8vo. 16pp. Short from Aerofield. Baldwin, N. C. Twelve Years of Scottish Air Mails. Undated, Scottish Air Mails 1934 - 1946. 12pp. Reprinted from Aerofield. Price list at rear. Beith, Richard. Scottish Air Mails 1919 – 1979, 1981, 8vo, 84pp. A good regional guide. Beith, Richard. Yorkshire Air Mails, 1983, large 8vo, 44pp. A guide to Yorkshire mails from the very first airshow in 1909. Covers areas not covered by other reference works. Interesting. Field, Francis. British Inland Air Posts 1934. The first Official Air Mail Flights. August 20th and August 21st. 12mo, 8pp. RAS first 2 days plus price list. Field, Francis. British “Inlands”. Some Striking Facts. 12mo, 4pp, A few facts on RAS plus price list. Lister, Peter. Airway letters of the United Kingdom, 1994, 4to, 52pp. An important piece of original research covering a subject not previously covered. Phillips, A. The British Inland Airmail April 1933- April 1935. From Dawn to the Awakening. 1935, 8vo, 16pp. The first eleven airmail services described. A marketing book to increase sales but the first to describe early airmails. Redgrove, H. The Air Mails of the British Isles. 1940. 8vo, 150pp. The main reference book for mails of the 1930’s, but now in need of updating. Section 2 – General Aviation of the 1930’s Allward, Maurice and Taylor, John. The De Havilland Aircraft Company, 1999, 8vo, 128pp. A mainly pictorial history of the De Havilland Aircraft company with a small commentary. Balfour, Christopher. Spithead Express. The Pre-War Island Air Ferry and Post War plans. 1999, 4to, 96pp. The story of the Portsmouth, Southsea and Isle of Wight Aviation Co, written by the founder’s son from correspondence left in boxes on his death. Fascinating insight to the problems of early aviation. Chant, Chris. Early Airliners. 1980. 4to. 64pp. Good aircraft descriptions but too many foreign aircraft for my liking. Clegg, Peter V. A Flying start to the Day, 1986, 4to, 60pp. The History of Highland Airways and Captain E.E. Fresson. Very little here that is not in Fresson’s autobiography or ‘Rivals in the North’. Clegg, Peter V. Flying against the Elements, 1987, 4to, 95pp. The story of Aberdeen/Allied Airways founded by Eric Gandar Dower. As in ‘Flying Start to the Day’, very little that is not in Rivals in the North. Clegg, Peter V. Rivals in the North, 1988, 4to, 224pp. The story of the competition between Highland Airways in Inverness and its founder Ted Fresson and Aberdeen/Allied Airways in Aberdeen and its founder Eric Gandar-Dower. Clegg, Peter V. Sword in the Sky, 1990, 4to, 128pp. Continuing Clegg’s histories of Scottish pioneering airlines of the 30’s this is the story of John Sword and his Midland and Scottish Air ferries based out of Renfrew (Glasgow) Airport. Clegg, Peter V. Wings over the Glens, 1995, 4to, 192pp. The last of Clegg’s five books on pioneering Scottish airlines of the 1930’s. This is the story of George Nicholson who founded Northern Airways, later to become Northern and Scottish Airways and later Scottish Airways. Doyle, Neville. Sea-Eagle to Flamingo – Channel Island Airlines 1923 - 1939, 1984, 8vo, 464pp. Well written and well researched. Doyle, Neville. Triple Alliance, 128pp, 4to. The story of the 3 airlines that comprised Allied British Airways in the 1930’s. Story of United Airways, Spartan Airlines and Hillman Airways and of course the first British Airways. Davies, R.E.G. British Airways – An Airline and its Aircraft, Volume 1: 1919 – 1939, 2005, 8vo, 108pp. The development of aviation and airlines that eventually became British Airways. Short precis of the important small airlines and much information on aircraft. Much needed book on 1930’s aviation which is mainly ignored. Fresson, Ted. Air Road to the Isles. Second (Expanded) Edition 2008. 8vo. 424pp. Wonderful autobiography with superb detail of Highland Airways and Scottish Airways. Some brilliant descriptions of early flying in atrocious weather with no radio or navigational aids. Friends of Swindon Railway Museum, The Great Western Railway Air Services, 8vo, 8pp. A small pamphlet with some interesting information. Gillies, JD and Wood, JL. Aviation in Scotland. 1966. 8vo 115pp. Includes information about the 30’s. Not anything you can’t find elsewhere. Harris, Roger E. Pioneer Aviation in the Channel Islands. 2 Vols. Vol 1 The Dawn to 1933. Vol 2 1934- 1947 2020. 4to. 242pp, 286pp. Well researched and well written. Huge number of illustrations. Very different aproach to the normal aviation book and effectively an illustrated history. Good airmail sections. Hutchison, Iain. The Flight of the Starling. 1992, 8vo, 168pp. The biography of Eric Starling, chief pilot to Aberdeen/Allied airways and later BEA pilot. Much early 30’s information on Gandar-Dower and Allied Airways. Hutchison, Iain. Air Ambulance – Six Decades of the Scottish Air Ambulance Services, 1996, 8vo, 191pp. As well as the air ambulance this deals with much more, including interesting facts about airfield and aircraft and their pilots. Kniverton, Gordon N. Manx Aviation in War and Peace, 1985, 4to, 104pp. A history of Aviation commercial and military on the Isle of Man from 1911 to 1980. Ludovici, L. J. The Challenging Sky – The Life of Sir Alliot Verdan-Roe, 1956, 8vo, 158pp. A biography of aircraft designer and manufacturer of the Avro’s - A.V.Roe Newberry, Peter. The Vectis Connection. 2000, 4to, 144pp. One of three books on Isle of Wight Aviation, whilst ‘Wings over the Island’ concentrates on Aircraft manufacture, and the Spithead Express is purely about PSIOWA, this takes a broader look at the 4 airline companies that flew in the 1930’s to the Isle of Wight. Olley, Captain Gordon P. A Million Miles in the AIr. 1934. 8vo, 320pp. Early autobiography of pilot of first GWR flight and later founder of Olley Flying Services who took over Blackpool and West Coast services. Not chronological so difficult to pick out the 30’s but great read. Also tends to tell stories without dates. Penrose, Harald. British Aviation – Widening Horizons 1930 - 1934, 1979. Large 8vo, 338pp. Aviation seen in a wider context. Penrose, Harald. British Aviation – Ominous Skies 1935-1939, 1990, 8vo, 318pp. 5th in the series of aviation histories. Philpot, Anthony K. Maylands Aerodrome 1928 – 1940, 2003, 8vo, 60pp. As much a history of Edward Hillman as of Maylands airport, but interesting. Smith, Graham. Essex and its Race for the Skies 1900-1939. 2007, 8vo, 224pp. A well-written and researched account of Essex Airfields and Airlines. Well balanced between military and commercial. Stroud, John. Railway Air Services, 1987, 8vo, 144pp. A history of the RAS from GWR until 1947. Stroud, John. Annals of British and Commonwealth Air Transport. 1962. 8vo. 624pp. Not just Great Britain but a huge book and a wealth of information. The timeline format makes it very easy to follow and provided a good checklist for my own timeline. Warner, Guy. Orkney by Air, 2005, 8vo, 108pp. A pictorial record of flights to the Orkneys with much 30’s material of the first airlines. Williams, David L. Wings over the Island, The Aviation heritage of the Isle of Wight, 1999, 4to, 118pp. A history of the Isle of Wights place in aviation history, a good all round book whose primary focus is Aircraft Manufacture in the Isle of Wight. Wickstead, Maurice J. Airlines of the British Isles since 1919. Air Britain. CD. By a long way the best description of British Airlines. Section 3 – Websites ABE. Most of the books in the bibliography are out of print. This secondhand book site is the best place to find them. Aeroflight. Much aero information and huge database bibliograhy of over 14.000 books on aviation. Air and Space. An American site with masses of information on air and space. Air Britain. The worlds leading publishing organisation for Aviation enthusiasts. Airfields of Britain Conservation Trust. Another fine airfield site with a very full list of historical sites. Airline Timetable Images. A wonderful collection of historical airline timetables. There is no better way to find out where an airline flew than to consult a timetable. Airmail Collector. . Dealers site in Auction format selling his own material. There is a GB internal section, but it seldom has much of interest in the 30’s and when it does it’s quite pricy. British Air Mail Society. The place for airmail enthusiasts. Members have contributed much help to this site. Brooklands Museum, Weybridge. Has a Concorde to visit plus much more. Also one for motor racing enthusiasts. De Havilland Museum. The main plane for 1930’s commercial aviation was a De Havilland. If you live nearby this is a great museum. Fresson Trust. An aviation charity set up in 1991 with the objective of furthering the knowledge of aviation past, present and future, for the benefit of people living in, or visiting the Highlands and Island of Scotland, by all means, and in memory of Captain Ernest Edmund Fresson, OBE (1891-1963). International Federation of Aero- and Astrophilatelic Societies. Kea Publishing. PREVIOUS PAGE Leading publisher on Scottish Aviation. Royal Aeronautical Society PREVIOUS PAGE A site for aviation professionals. Royal Airforce Museum, Cosford. NEXT PAGE . A wonderful museum for military aviation. The Worlds Airline History, Past Present and Future. Rather too many gaps for my liking but still useful. U.K Airfields and Airports. In depth historical and up to date information about airfields. Wright brothers Aeroplane co. A virtual museum of pioneer aviation. Fascinating American site concentrating on the history of flight.
Copyright © 2020 Robert Farquharson All Rights Reserved
The bibliography is split into 3 sections: - Section 1 – Bibliography of publications with significant information about the air mails of the 1930’s. Section 2 – General aviation books with significant information about the 1930’s Section 3 – Websites. The web has become an invaluable resource about virtually everything. This lists some of the websites used by myself and of much interest for those interested in aviation.
British Internal Airmails of the 1930’s